2024/10/25. Ways to disagree in French. Talk with Grégoire Winterstein at Puzzles of Agreement: Syntactic, Semantic, and Psycholinguistic perspectives. | slides |
2024/09/18. Slurring by association Talk with Elin McCready & Grégoire Winterstein at 1st Baltic workshop in philosophy of language.
2023/01/20. Honor and Plurality in Hindi-Urdu. Talk with Rajesh Bhatt CHARTING HONORIFIC and ADDRESSEE MORPHOSYNTACTIC PROCESSES (CHAMP) – 2023. | slides |
2023/04/02. Number, honor, and agreement in Hindi-Urdu. Paper published in proceedings of (F)ASAL-12. | pdf |
2022/12/02. From exclusive particles to adversative connectives. Paper with Grégoire Winterstein. In Özge Bakay, Breanna Pratley, Eva Neu and Peyton Deal (eds.) Proceedings of NELS 52, 1:211-220. | preprint |
2022/06/08. Deriving categorical and continuous properties of Javanese speech levels published in Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA). | paper |
2022/05/28. 八重山語小浜方言の中舌母音における摩擦音化について. 第1回「危機言語の保存と日琉諸語のプロソディー」合同研究発表会」での発表.
2022/05/18–20. To honor or not to honor: Korean honorifics with mixed status conjoined subjects. Poster with Sunwoo Jeong at ELM2.
2022/04/10. Honor and number agreement in Hindi-Urdu. Poster with Rajesh Bhatt at (F)ASAL. | abstract |
2021/11/17. Towards a semantics and pragmatics of the Javanese speech level system. Presentation at UQÀM.
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2021/11/12. Honor and number agreement in Hindi-Urdu. Presentation with Rajesh Bhatt at McGill syntax-semantics reading group.
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2021/10/29. From exclusive particles to adversative connectives. Poster with Grégoire Winterstein at NELS52.
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2021/10/08. Syntactic and pragmatic constraints on subject-oriented honorifics in Korean. Talk with Sunwoo Jeong at J/K 29 Workshop on Data-oriented approaches to meaning in Korean and Japanese.
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2021/05/26. Deriving categorical and continuous properties of Javanese speech levels. Talk at AFLA 28.
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2021/04/23. Les emplois adversatifs des marqueurs exclusifs à travers les langues et en diachronie. Talk with Grégoire Winterstein at 50 ANS DE LINGUISTIQUE À L’UQAM : Regards croisés sur les enjeux de la linguistique
2021/03/18. Invocations, slurs, and social meaning. Talk with Elin McCready at the Linguistic Circle, University of Edinburgh.
2021/03/03. Pragmatic constraints on subject-oriented honorifics in Yaeyaman and Japanese published in Proceedings of SALT 30.